作为明尼苏达州的第一个度假小镇, 白熊湖是理想的居住地, 在双子城玩和做生意. 这里有一种明显的公民自豪感, demonstrated through the area’s high level of community engagement and facilitated by the numerous volunteer, 社会, 企业和民间组织和协会. 被《爱博love体育》评为2018年最佳明尼苏达小镇, 白熊湖 is a regional entertainment hub distinguished for its thriving downtown retail district, 美丽的湖景和迷人的文化娱乐活动. 交通便利,靠近圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯的城市中心, the business community benefits from easy access to the regional transportation system as the city is located in two interstate corridors with access to the regional railroad network via Minnesota Commercial Railway.
The 白熊湖 Area School District serves as a model within the state and is receiving growing national recognition for its visionary Career Pathways model, preparing the area’s students for future economic success in high demand careers while working hand-in-hand with local businesses to ensure there is a skilled workforce to meet their current and future labor needs. 除了受人尊敬的公立学校系统, 白熊湖是私立学校的所在地, 特许学校和世纪学院. 在教育和职业准备方面备受推崇的创新者, 世纪学院是一所两年制的社区和技术学院,招收超过21名学生,每年有1000名学分制和非学分制学生. 该学院拥有STEM衔接课程, 最先进的Fab Lab, the only orthotic/prosthetic program in Minnesota and is the sole metro area college participating in a state consortium offering an Associate in Applied Science degree in renewable energy.